全国服务热线 (0572)


发布时间: 2010-03-05 08:10 更新时间: 2010-03-05 08:10

general terms
安全应力 safe stress
暗色心材 dark heart-wood;dark corewood
凹凸纹(理)(机械缺陷) raised grain
扒钉(蚂蟥钉) double—headed nail
白腐 white rot
白腐材 white rotten wood
百万板尺 mmbf
百万立方米 mm3
斑腐 mottled(rot);pecky
板尺检尺法 foot board measurement
板英尺 board foot(b.f.; b.f.or bd.ft)
板英尺—考得转换 board foot-cord conversion
板英尺-立方英尺转换 board foot-cubic foot conversion
板英尺材积表 board foot volume table
板英尺检尺 board—foot scaling
板英尺量度 board-foot measure
半成材 shop lumber
半环孔材 semi—ring porous wood
半活节 partial intergrown knot
半具缘纹孔对 semibordered pit-pair
半散孔材 semi-diffuse porous wood
半圆材 half-round wood
半缘纹孔对 haft-bordered pit-pair
包复片 wrapping foil
薄壁组织 parenchyma
被絮花纹 quilted figure
比例极限 proportional limit;limit of proportionality
比例极限应力 stress at proportional limit
壁孔(纹孔) pit
壁孔对(纹孔对) pit pair
壁孔口(纹孔口) pit aperture
壁孔膜(纹孔膜) pit membrane
壁孔腔(纹孔腔) pit cavity;pit chamber
边材腐朽 sap rot;external decay
边材树 sapwood tree
边腐 marginal rot
边节 edge knot
边棱节 arris knot;corner knot
边缘纹孔 marginal pit
变色材 staining wood
变形 deformation
标尺 staff
标准节 standard knot
标准考得 apparent cord
标准木 type tree
标准误差 mean error;error of mean square
表层硬化 case hardening
表面虫孔 surface worm hole
表面缺陷;明显缺陷 open defect
波状纹理 wavy figure(or grain);fiddle back grain
不规则纹理 irregular grain
不合格率 failure rate
不健全节 unsound knot
不均匀结构 uneven texture
不均匀纹理 uneven grain
部分轻度表层腐朽 partial shallow decay
部分严重(深层)腐朽 partial deep decay
材积测定法 volume determination
材面节(疤) face knot
材性 wood property
材种 kind of timber;wood sort;assortment
槽纹钉 corrugated nail
侧面纹理 side grain
侧翘(边弯) spring
测径尺 caliper rule
测径直角尺(轮尺) caliper square
层积材 laminate
产品种类;产品目录 production program
长节 mule-ear knot
沉水材 sinker
成材 lumber
成年材 mature wood;adult wood
成熟材 ripe wood
承压应力 bearing stress
赤节 red knot
冲击剪切强度 impact shearing strength
冲击强度 impact strength;shock resistance;shock strength
冲击应力 shock stress
冲击硬度 impact hardness
充脂材 resin—soaked wood;lightwood;resinous wood
充足原料储备 well-stocked supply of raw materials
虫孔(虫眼) insect hole;worm grub
重纹孔;具缘纹孔 bordered pit
初腐 dozy
初期腐朽 incipient decay
初期红心腐 firm red heart rot
初生材 primary wood
初生木质部 primary xylem
初生韧皮部 primary bast;primary phloem
穿孔 perforation;punching
创伤心材 wound heart wood
垂直剪切强度 vertical shearing strength
垂直抗拉强度 perpendicular tensile strength
纯应变 pure strain
次生木质部 secondary xylem
次生韧皮部 secondary phloem
粗材积 gross scale
粗结构 coarse texture
粗纹理 coarse grain;open grain;rough grain
脆心材 brittle heart
打号员(划线员) marker
大板条 large strip
大虫孔 grub hole
大兜(干基特大的) butt swelling;swell-butted;root swelling
大径材 large timber
大幼树 large sapling
大圆材 high pole; large pole
带棱健全材 square-edge and sound (sq.e.sd.)
带皮直径 diameter outside(over)bark
带心材 boxed heart timber
带状花纹 stripe figure;ribbon grain
袋腐 pocket(rot)
单壁孔(单纹孔) simple pit
单穿孔 simple perforation
档木(集材弯道) sheer log
导管 vessel
导管分子 vessel element
导热性 thermal conductivity;heat conductivity
倒棱(倒角) chamfers
等级类别 grade category
等级区分 grade separation
等级应力;应力分类;应力分等 grade stress
地表直径 ground line diameter(gld)
顶腐 top rot
冻心材 frost heart-wood
端裂 end checking;end shake;end split
端面纹理 end grain
短木段 billet;bolt
短原木 billet timber
断面模量 modulus of section
断纹理;破折纹理 broken grain
对角纹理 diagonal grain
钝棱材 waney lumber
多用途材 versatile wood
多脂材 fatwood
伐木废材 logging debris
法向应力 normal stress
翻木机 log rotator
防变色处理 anti—stain treatment
防裂扒钉 anti—checking iron;anti-split iron
防裂夹具 anti-checking clamp
防裂涂料 anti-checking coating
非规格材 off-standard
非破坏性试验 non-destructive testing
废料 refuse
分叉节;岔节 branched knot
封闭节;不贯通节 blind knot
封边条 edge banding
蜂窝腐 honeycomb(rot)
蜂窝状纤维(木材缺陷) comb grain;quartered without flakes
腐烂和腐朽 decay and rot
腐朽节 rotten knot:decayed knot
复合材 composite wood
复合成材 composite lumber
复节;丛节 knot cluster
复心材 double heart-wood;double-summit
改良板尺检尺法 new f.b.m scale
改性木 improved wood; modified wood
干材 stemwood
干腐 trunk rot;bole rot
干基腐朽 butt rot
干裂 crack;seasoning check
干容积重 dry bulk density
干围 girth
干围级 girth class
干围界限 girth limit
干围率 girth quotient
干燥应力 drying stress
杆材 small pole
刚性模量 rigidity modules
根端 butt end
根段材 first log;butt log
根腐 root rot
根株(木)花纹 stump figure
工作应力 working stress
构架材 carcassing timber
管胞 tracheid
管孔 pore
管状腐朽 pipe rot
规定尺寸 dead size
规格材 dimension stock
过熟材 overyeared wood;overstocked wood
海绵状腐朽 sponge rot
含晶细胞 crystalliferous cell
含水率 moisture content
含水率允许公差 moisture tolerances
函心材 boxed—heart(timber)
褐腐 brown rot
黑节 black knot
横纹剪切 shear perpendicular to the grain
横纹抗拉(极限)强度 maximum tensile strength perpendicular to(the)
横纹抗拉强度 tensile strength perpendicular to the grain
横纹抗压强度 compression strength perpendicular to(the) grain
横纹抗压试验 compression test perpendicular to the grain
横纹拉力 tension perpendicular to the grain
横向翘曲 cupping:crosswise concaving; transverse warping;cup
红变 red stain
宏观构造 gross structure
后期腐朽 advanced decay
厚度膨胀 thickness swelling
弧裂 burst check
花斑纹 mottled figure;mottle figure
滑移 slipping
化学变色 chemical stain
环钉 ring dog
环孔材 ring-porous wood
环裂 ring shake;round shake
环状腐朽 ring rot
混生节 intergrown knot
活节 live knot; tight knot
火焰纹 flame figure
机加工性能 machining properties
机械磨损 abrasion(mechanical)
基本应力 basic stress
极限抗拉强度 ultimate tensile strength
极限抗弯强度 ultimate bending strength
极限强度 ultimate strength
极限应力 ultimate stress
加工材 manufactured lumber
夹皮 bark pocket
假年轮;伪年轮 false(annual)ring;false increment
假心材;伪心材 false heart wood
尖节 spike knot
尖削度 taper;fall-off; tapering;taperingness
坚实节 fixed knot
间柱材 stud(ding)
检尺杖 scale stick
剪切弹性模量 shear modulus
剪切拉伸强度 shear tensile strength
剪切破坏 shear failure
剪切应力 shearing stress
剪应变 shear strain
健全节 sound knot
降等 downgrade;degrade
交错纹理 cross gram;interlocked grain
节材 nodal wood
节子 knot;knag
结构特选级 selected structure
紧密节 tight knot
浸渍材 impregnated wood
径级 diameter class
径裂 radial shake;cross shake
径切面纹理 comb—grain
净增率 percentage net growth
锯齿状年轮 indented ring
卷曲花纹 curly figure
卷曲纹理 curly grain
含水率 absolute moisture content
均匀结构 uniform texture;even texture;even grain
抗白蚁处理 termite-resistance treatment
抗剪刚度 shear stiffness
抗剪力 shear resistance
抗剪强度 shearing strength;shear resistance
抗拉(极限)强度 maximum tensile strength
抗拉弹性 tensile elasticity
抗拉刚度 tensile stiffness
抗拉强度 tensile strength
抗磨性 abrasive resistance
抗扭刚度 torsional rigidity
抗扭强度 torsional strength
抗劈力 cleavage resistance
抗劈性 cleavability
抗弯刚度 bending stiffness
抗弯强度 bending strength;crossbending strength;cross-breaking
strength;flexural strength
抗弯阻力 buckling resistance
抗压极限强度 maximum crushing strength
抗压强度 crushing strength;compression (compressive) strength;bearing
坑腐 pitted sap rot
空节;节洞 hollow knot
枯梢树 staghead
块状腐朽 cubical rot
扩基上端干围 girth above buttress
阔叶材树脂囊(油眼) gum pocket
拉力试验机 tensile testing machine
拉伸试验 tensile test
拉应力 tensile stress
蓝斑;蓝变 blue stain
蓝变材 blue lumber
梁材 stringer
两端翘(弓形弯);顺弯 bow;bowing
劣等材 wrack
裂环 ring crack(shake);round shake
檩材 beams;stringer
绿变 green stain
乱纹材 burly
乱纹理 wild grain
轮生节 verticillate or whorle knot
螺纹增厚 spiral thickening
螺旋纹理 spiral grain
马蹄形防裂扒钉 beegle iron
毛边材 unedged lumber
毛刺 woolly grain
毛刺沟痕 torn grain
密实木材 densified wood
磨科 abrasive(=grinding material)
木薄壁组织 xylem parenchyma;wood parenchyma
木材变色 wood stain
木材传声性 acoustical conductivity of wood
木材脆性 brashness of wood;brittleness of wood
木材弹性 elasticity of wood;elastic property of wood
木材的膨胀和收缩 swelling and shrinking of wood
木材的柔韧性 pliability of wood
木材电学性质 electricity property of wood
木材分类 wood assortment;wood sorting
木材干馏 wood distillation
木材刚性 rigidity of wood
木材黑斑 black spot(in wood)
木材解剖术;木材切片术 xylotomy
木材抗疲劳性 fatigue of wood
木材力学性质(木材机械性质) mechanical properties of wood
木材流变学 rheology of wood
木材密度 specific gravity of wood
木材耐磨性 abrasion of wood
木材挠性 flexibility of wood
木材膨胀 swelling of wood
木材缺陷 defect;fault
木材韧性 toughness of wood
木材容重 volume weight of wood;weight by volume;volumetric weight
木材声响反射系数 acoustic reflection coefficient f wood
木材声学性质 acoustical properties of wood
木材实质比重(真比重) specific weight of wood
木材实质密度 density of wood substance
木材水解 wood hydrolysis
木材塑性 plastic property of wood
木材调温调湿设备 wood conditioning apparatus
木材透声性 acoustical permeability of wood
木材凸起 bulge(of wood)
木材凸纹 burr figure of wood
木材物理性质 physical property of wood
木材吸音系数 acoustic absorption coefficient of wood
木射线 xylem ray;wood ray
木丝 excelsior;wood wool
木瓦材 shingle bolt
木纹 figure;grain
木纹斜度 slope of grain
木纤维 wood fiber
木纤维素 wood cellulose
木质部 xylem
木质素 lignin
耐火木材 refractory timber
耐久性试验 endurance test
耐磨试验 abrasive test
耐磨硬度 abrasive hardness
耐水性 moisture resistance
囊腐 pocket rot
挠曲刚度;抗挠刚度 flexural rigidity
内部腐朽 inside rot
内含边材 inside sapwood;included sapwood;double sapwood
内夹皮 close bark-pocket
内裂 interior cheek;internal check
逆表面硬化(应力) reverse case-hardening
年轮(生长轮) growth ring;yearly ring increment
鸟眼(木材) birds’eye (wood)
鸟眼纹 bird's figure
扭(力)矩 torsional moment
扭矩 torque
扭力 torsional force;torsional load turning force
扭曲 dis


  • 地址:中国 浙江 湖州市南浔区 Nanxun Science and Tech Park
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  • 联系人:未提供
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